You understand how occasionally you find yourself in a condition in your business where there’s something you need to do but you’re dreading doing it? This happens to all of us , whether it’s speaking in front of a whole lot of people, making a scary phone call, or shooting that video. When something makes you so nervous you actually start to feel sick, it’s not a fun place to be. We all know what needs to be done but we feel stuck and we can’t manage to do it. Frankly speaking, even as I write this, knowing I have one of those situations on the horizon, I’m getting a little lightheaded. sounds dramatic?, maybe, but true. When situations like this arise, the first thing I say to myself is, "Don’t sit in the stress." You know that place I’m talking about where you think about it over and over and over, you imagine outcomes, and you create scripts and conversations in your head? That place where you get sweaty palms and a nervous stomach from worrying and contemplating, ........